Friday, February 24, 2012

With 10 million americans suffering from osteoporosis ...


condition that leads to fragile bones and increased risk of wrist,

hip or spine fracture. Screening tests are noninvasive and painless

measure bone mineral density (IPC) of the hip joint, spine, wrist or heel. Diagnosis of osteoporosis is made when a person of much

less than the average IPC for young people. Associated condition called osteopenia

or low bone mass, less severe, but still shows low IPC. It is estimated that about 10 million Americans aged 50 >> << have osteoporosis and another 34 million have osteopenia. Although

generally regarded as a problem for women, osteoporosis in men.

With 10 million Americans suffering from osteoporosis, about 2 million

men. A number of factors have been identified that contribute >> << persons risk of developing osteoporosis (see box on page 9). Some of these risk factors

can not be changed, while others, such as those related to diet

and lifestyles are changing. Physical activity >> << bone dynamic life

tissue, which increases with stress and weaker when not in use, physically active people

usually higher IPC at any age, than people who

sedentary lifestyle. Weight bearing exercise and strength training is most effective >> << to increase or maintain bone mass. While bearing exercise

, as walking, running, dancing, or lasix 60 mg iv stairs, muscular and gravitational forces

stress bone. Strength training increases muscle strength, which

provided on the bones. In addition to the improvement or maintenance of defense, power

education was found to prevent the most common cause fallsthe

hip and wrist fracturesin people even in the 90's. Activities

, that improve coordination and balance, like Tai Chi can also help

prevent falling. While swimming and cycling great work

to improve cardiovascular fitness, balance and coordination, they >> << less efficient to support missile defense, because they do not have. If you already have osteoporosis, contact a physician knowledgeable

before you start the exercise program. Accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day

, , including weight-bearing exercises, weight training (at least

twice a week), and measures that improve balance to prevent falls. Calcium Inadequate calcium intake during childhood

and adolescence can impair bone development and may prevent

optimal bone mass peak in early adulthood. In older adults

insufficient calcium intake, accelerates bone loss and probably contributes to the development of

osteoporosis. Despite the importance of calcium >> << for bone health is well recognized, adequate calcium intake alone does not

enough to prevent bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures> >. << 8 ounce serving, calcium enriched orange juice or skim milk

or yogurt contains about 300 mg of calcium. Most calcium supplements, including

calcium carbonate is better absorbed by a reception with food, but

Calcium citrate and calcium citrate Malate also well absorbed on an empty stomach >> <<. Total daily calcium intake (diet plus supplements) should be added to the

1300 mg for adolescents, 1000 mg for adults aged 50 years and younger

or 1200 mg for adults older than 50 years. Vitamin D

Although already well known that severe vitamin D deficiency affects

bone health, recent studies show that marginal deficiency of vitamin D

is common and increases the risk of osteoporosis. When vitamin D is absorbed

to the most active form, it increases the intestinal absorption of calcium >> << and prevent urinary calcium loss. Without enough vitamin D, calcium absorption

not sufficiently effective to meet the needs of overalls,

, , even if calcium intake is adequate. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin

under the influence of ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation from sunlight and can

be obtained from diet. Very little UV radiation reaches the Earth

above 37 degrees latitude from November to February, so people

, living north of 37 degrees produces little if any vitamin D at the end of >> << autumn and winter (see map). Use sunscreen with SPF

factor 8 reduces production of vitamin D in the skin 95% even in the summer. Opportunity >> << for the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin decreases with age. 70-year

is only 25% of vitamin D made a 20-year-old prone to the same number of >> << sunlight. Few foods other than fatty fish naturally rich in vitamin D. >> << In the U.S., milk is fortified with vitamin D (400

IU / liter) in 1940, which virtually eliminated rickets. Some brands

breakfast cereals and orange juice and fortified with vitamin D.

Influence of the sun for 5-10 minutes on bare skin, such as hands and feet

2-3 times a week improves vitamin D state with minimal risk of skin damage >>. << Adults can increase the daily intake of vitamin D intake by taking supplements

, containing 400 IU, the amount in most multivitamins. Mature

adults and those who avoid exposure to the sun should take extra vitamin D

for a total of 800 IU / day. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich >> << a few nutrients that seem to play an important role in bone health,

, including potassium, magnesium and vitamin K . Several epidemiological studies >> << is found that higher consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in potassium

associated with a higher IPC and lower >> << risk of fractures in elderly people. Fruits and vegetables are rich >> << precursors to bicarbonate ions, which can keep calcium in bones by buffering

organic acids consumed in the diet or generated metabolically. Dietary >> << Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study also reported that the

high consumption of fruits and vegetables could improve bone health. Originally designed by

check the influence of diet on blood pressure, DASH study compared three diets

: diet control is provided only 3 servings of fruits or vegetables

, diet provided about 8 servings of fruits or vegetables ,

and diet provided 8 servings of fruits or vegetables and 3 servings

low-fat dairy products (now called the DASH diet). In addition to lowering blood pressure

, as fruit and vegetable diet rich in calcium in urine reduce

loss, and the DASH diet reduced the biochemical markers of bone metabolism,

especially bone resorption (loss). Taken together, the results of epidemiological >> << and clinical trials show that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables

, that contains enough calcium and vitamin D can help prevent bone loss. Eat at least 5 servings of different fruit color

or vegetables a day. Adolescent and adult women should be taken at least

7 servings, and teen and adult men should be sent to 9 servings (equivalent to

2 1/2 cup vegetables and 2 cups of fruit). Protein role of dietary protein >> << bone health is complex. While high protein intake were found

increase in urinary calcium excretion in small, short-term studies, several >> << large population studies have shown that low protein intake is associated with

faster ABOUT loss and increased risk of fractures in elderly people.

Older people in particular should make sure that they consume adequate >> << food protein. Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein

56 g / day for adult men and 46 g / day for adult women. Excess salt >> << high salt intake appear

increase urinary calcium loss, although this effect may change

other dietary factors. DASH-Sodium study compared the DASH diet

with typical Western diet at three levels of salt intake. Urinary calcium

loss increased with food and salt diet, but urinary calcium loss >> << are more at each level of salt intake in the typical diet

Western. Keep salt intake to 5. 8 g / day (2. 3 g / day of sodium). Excess

vitamin A (retinol) Results of several epidemiological studies >> << suggest that long-term intake of 5000 IU / day

pre-vitamin A (retinol) is associated with reduced BMD and increased

risk of osteoporotic fractures in elderly men and women. Only high consumption

retinolnot of beta-carotenewere associated with adverse effects on

bone health.

manuka honey immune system
Although 5000 IU significantly higher than

RDA of vitamin A (3,000 IU for men and 2333 IU for women), then

not uncommon for a multivitamin supplement containing 5000 IU of retinol. Look for

multivitamin supplements that contain no more than 2500 IU of vitamin

or multivitamin supplement containing 5000 IU vitamin A,

which at least 50% comes from beta carotene. DONT take high-potency vitamin A

When lifestyle changes Arent enough in some cases, lifestyle changes

enough to prevent osteoporosis or, more importantly, osteoporosis fractures

At Fortunately, some medications are now available >> << effective treatment of osteoporosis. National Osteoporosis Foundation

. Website (

) is an excellent >> << source of information about osteoporosis prevention and treatment, and

tips on finding a doctor who is well aware of the treatment

osteoporosis. Update

May 2005.

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