Friday, February 24, 2012

Generally, we recommend 30 minutes are ...

Exercise can play an important role in helping to reduce the risk of osteopenia / osteoporosis and is also an important aspect of treatment. If you have been diagnosed with any, we recommend that you be evaluated to the extent possible, a chartered physiotherapist with a special interest in bone health. Physiotherapist can assess what exercises are safe and suitable for you to do at home, and what to avoid, for example, regular squats, kickboxing or any land that creates additional load on the vertebrae. If you participate in class or attending a gym, a physiotherapist can advise you on this issue. The bones of the forest, which supports the body against gravity. Bones resist attraction our muscles to move. As bone is living tissue, it responds to those bearing exercise increases. This is how you support your own body weight. Safe and smart way to start the implementation of the program is to take your time and listen to your body. Type of exercise you do depends on the risk of fracture, your age, your medical history and results of the DXA scan. Please note that excessive exercise is very bad for the bones. Generally, we recommend 30 minutes of weight-bearing exercise a day for your bones and overall health. This can be broken down for 3-5 minutes at a time, 3 sets of 10 minutes or 30 minutes continuously. It should encourage children to do 60 minutes of moderate-impact daily exercise (30 minutes and 30 minutes bearing the full general health). This is especially important to the onset of puberty as bone strength could be significantly increased to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in old age. Examples of weight bearing include tennis, hockey, soccer, basketball, jogging, running, sports team, and dancing. Walking bearing exercise, but it is important to change your pace with breaks. Some activities can be done in many places, they may be included in the busy everyday life. Stairs good for your spine and hips, but should be done only by those who stand firm on his feet and using rail transport. Ten times up and down the middle stairs (10-12 steps) is one-third of the daily load-bearing requirements. Periodic running perfect for people who are running or jogging too tense. Walk a few minutes and than run for 30-60 seconds. This helps to increase bone density (strength) in the spine and hip, but you must be a medical examination by a doctor. Advice on exercise for adults with osteopenia Talk to your doctor and a certified physical therapist to learn which activities are appropriate for you. Chartered physiotherapist with a special interest in bone health will consider your DXA results check your medical history, risk of fractures and areas most affected before install the appropriate exercise program. Start slowly and gradually increase the volume and intensity until you reach the goal prescribed by your physiotherapist. Never increase the speed and intensity at the same time, and lasix 40mg add only one new exercise in each session. So if you have any problems with the exercises you can determine what it is. Some exercises can get a special favor of your area of ​​bone loss, e. , the spine or hip. Exercise to promote good posture and balance are also recommended. Pilates and tai chi can be beneficial, the best in small classes and preferably run by a chartered physiotherapist. Stop the exercise program if you feel pain and have an area of ​​more than reassessment. If pain persists, it may be a sign of overuse injury, which means you should stop exercise until the injury heals. If you feel unwell, exercise is not recommended. If you have stiffness after exercise, it is your body says you have too much, too soon. Slow walking may help loosen the muscles. Exercise should be taken regularly to be any good. Little and often is the best strategy.emphysema in dogs Regular exercise should be a permanent lifestyle decision, because if you stop, its beneficial effects gradually disappear. Muscles adapt to use more for a few weeks, but the bones take several months. Note that the implementation of programs should be reviewed at intervals. Advice on exercise for adults with osteoporosis assessment, whenever possible, a chartered physiotherapist with a special interest in bone health that will work with you to develop individual program of weight-bearing and muscle strengthening exercises specifically for your needs. While it is important to avoid stress that can lead to fractures, avoiding all the exercises and serve only to reduce your bone health. In general, avoid the following:

excessive forward bending back eg regular squats and touching toes with legs straight

exercises that involve bending and twisting of the spine at the same time. High impact exercises because it increases the risk of developing or worsening back, hip, knee and ankle problems and osteoporosis itself. Note that osteoporosis affects people of all ages. Exercise program for 20, 45 and 70 years will be all different. Fall prevention If you suffered damage as a result of the fall, the council may be to your physical therapist about how to reduce the risk of further decline. Many falls can be avoided by email. he wear good walking shoes in your home, not slippers. Remove carpets from the house and get regular check-ups of eyes can also help. Basic rules for clothing: female runners and comfortable clothing. Environment Wednesday: Make sure you have enough space to move and you will not be too hot or too cold. Warm up: Start slowly, doing light exercises like marching in place. In safe stretching exercises before starting the main exercises and cool down and stretch through activities to reduce the risk of injury. Always stretch slowly and never appear, because it can lead to injury. Ideally you should keep the area within 30 seconds. Type of Exercise: Try to choose an action, you know, like, so you will not be afraid to do so. Change your activity reduces the risk of boring and stimulate bone growth more. Progress your business: gradually increase the intensity and amount of time. Strength training for women and men, resistance training using weights and exercise machines have been shown to promote bone health by increasing muscle strength and bone density. It consists of lifting heavy (but we recommend moderate if you have osteoporosis) weight in a slow, controlled way. You should always warm up first and in turn work with his hands and feet. Start with two feet of exercise followed by an upper body exercises. Start lifting weights slowly and take ten seconds between each lift. Breathe as you lift and breathe as you reduce weight. To avoid injury, start with weights that make up 25% of the maximum you can lift. As you slowly and steadily progress, weight gain to 85% of the maximum, it must be done within 3-4 months. In young healthy people, starting with 50% of the maximum, with an increase to 85% within 3-4 months. If you weight train regularly, take the best days of rest between training days. Consultations on a chartered physiotherapist interested in bone health will help you avoid injury. You should be especially careful with weights if you have back pain in combination with risk factors for osteoporosis. Remember that intense weight training can lead to serious injury if you have osteoporosis unrevealed. For more information about exercise and osteoporosis, IOS is the book is named Exercise to strengthen bones, your light in the following guide to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It costs 20 and can be purchased by phone Lo-call 1890 252 751 or online at. .

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