Friday, February 24, 2012

Copd is the 4th leading cause of death in. ..

Surgical Emphysema: Emphysema with lung problems and chronic bronchitis, or some kind of COPD or obstructive BЂњchronic

diseaseBЂ ". Medical researchers have clearly identified the problem as emphysema light category constant, increasing the air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of these walls and without obvious fibrosis. COPD is the 4th leading lasix 240 mg cause of death in the U.S., representing about 113,000 people annually. Approximately 14 million Americans have symptoms of COPD. Among them: 1. 65000000 with emphysema. Millions more suffer from COPD that is undiagnosed. The presence of COPD is usually peaks during the period from 65 to 74 years and men suffer more than women.statistics on emphysema When this condition is caused by the operation, he called surgical emphysema. It is also often called BЂњtissue emphysemaBЂ "and disorder, where the air is maintained in the subcutaneous skin. The air that can lead to trapped concern with some different symptoms that danger, and it will usually resolve itself. Where is the problem, there are some treatment options that are available where the patient can discuss with your doctor. .

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