Friday, February 24, 2012

Edition (1982), we get acquainted with the new ...

By Lauren A. Colby

July 13, 1994, obituary in the Washington Post

reported death at the age of 60 years, Richard Joshua Reynolds, III, heir

founder of tobacco company RJ Reynolds. Title and accompanying photos

revealed late smoking cigarettes and it is understood that Reynolds died of emphysema,

caused by smoking. While reading the obituary in detail, however, revealed that he quit smoking

eight years before his death, and that family history of emphysema

late father died of the disease at the age of anabolic supplements In addition, the obituary

revealed that the deceased's own doctor was unable to indicate a direct cause of his death, >> <<. Medical report of emphysema was

interesting history. My 1973 edition of Diagnosis and Treatment (standard medical textbook

), states that emphysema is a disease that involves the destruction

alveolar (lung) tissue, but that the cause is unknown, although many doctors

I think that this is due to smoking cigarettes. In 1973, chronic pulmonary obstructive >> << pulmonary disease (COPD) have not yet been invented. COPD, and is discussed in detail

in modern medical textbooks do not exist in 1973. Some time after 1973, the genetic cause of emphysema >> << was found. The article in the latest online edition

Grolier in encyclopedias, Howard Buchner, MD, explains that a significant number of people with

disease lack the gene that controls production what are the side effects of lasix in the liver of protein, called alpha-1 antitrypsin

(AAT). This protein controls or degraded enzyme elastase neutrophils,

production of white blood cells. When the enzyme does not stop, it destroys alveolar

tissue. Obviously, Reynolds, father and son were

cases of genetic emphysema, which may or may not kill the young Reynolds, even

thinking that it is not smoked for eight years before his death. But here the question

: if there is any evidence that there is any cause emphysema than genetics? Politically correct medical facility

dancing around this issue with all the skill of a lawyer. In the Merck Manual, 14

Edition (1982), we get acquainted with the new disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD >> << and page 629, we showed a chart that shows that a combination of disease

emphysema and bronchitis, and that some patients may have one disease, and some >> << other, but many of them have both. Smoking is said to be in the visible play an important role in the

COPD. On page 630, we talked about AAT deficiency, but it is described as a rare condition >> << is not clear whether the authors mean that AAT is a rare condition >> <<, causing emphysema or emphysema rarely caused by deficiency of AAT.

Languages, I think, to discuss vague. By 1992, he became more politically

to blame smoking for COPD and emphysema. In the 16 th edition of the Manual

(1992), he explained that, yes, emphysema due to destruction of lung tissue caused by unchecked >> << enzyme. We say, however, that smoking reduces the body

Defense of the enzyme. There is no evidence or authority cited the proposal. Thus, we are still confusing conclusions. We

is a new disease, COPD, the exact cause is unknown (in fact, the definition of >> << disease is vague, it seems, and the patient has something wrong with his lungs

, but we do not know what). Smoking is believed to play a role, but

16 edition explains that many smokers of cigarettes will never develop the disease, and

authors do not know why. I claim that the reason is simple: smoking

cause of emphysema. .

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